The AFterprom team
Interested in joining our team? We have both open positions and leaders who would welcome shadowing by incoming leadership.
Contact AfterProm​ to get started.
Learn more about our positions here.
Executive Board​​
Co-Chairpersons: Anita DiMatteo, Anne Gasbarro, (Open), (Open)
VP of Decorating: Liza Cordeiro
VP of Fundraising: (Open)
Treasurer(s): Kelly Carrara and Christine Sprunger
Correspondence Secretary: Jen McCauley Stern
Publicity Secretary: Amy Boyes
Winter Silent Auction: (Open)
Fundraising Committee:
Amy Pontes, Kerri Scandura, Elizabeth Tomulonis
Food and Beverage: Kristy Leicht, Michelle Brown Sluzars, Mindy White
Business Sponsorship: Margie Reed and (Open)
Casino: Mike Catani
Check-In: Kelly Nelson​​​
Decorating Committee:
Large Gym - Jody Dunn and (Open)
Small Gym - Rachel Mellen and (Open)
Cafe - Meghan McAdams and Beth Silvera
Casino - Christina Lamb
Open Spaces - Liza Cordeiro​
If you have interest in building props, please contact us.
Pack-Up: (Open)
Grant Writing: (Open)​​